Condolence donation


Donations in lieu of flowers

It hurts to lose a loved one. For the bereaved, it can be comforting to help those who urgently need support with an appeal for donations. In this way, something new can grow out of the goodbye.

If you would like to help children with rare diseases in the spirit of the deceased and thus set a sign for life, ask your mourners to donate to the Care-for-Rare Foundation instead of funeral wreaths or flowers. We will be happy to advise you if you have questions about organizing condolence donations and send you information about our work. Upon request, we can provide you with a list of donors’ names and the total amount of donations received afterwards.

We look forward to hearing from you at or 089 4400-57700.

Please note:

Mention the donation request in the obituary.
Specify a keyword so that we can allocate the donations (e.g. “in memory of Hans Mustermann”).
Indicate our account number: Care-for-Rare Foundation | IBAN: DE93 6305 0000 0000 0035 33 | SWIFT-BIC: SOLADES1ULM.
Please inform us about your keyword and the date of the funeral service.

Many thanks!