Our team

Care-for-Rare Foundation für Kinder mit seltenen Erkrankungen

We stand together for the orphans of medicine

Professor Dr. med. Dr. sci. nat. Christoph Klein heads the Clinic and Polyclinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at Dr. von Hauner’s Children’s Hospital at Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. His team does research on the fundamentals of rare diseases of the blood and immune system and drives the development of new therapeutic options. In 2010, Prof. Klein became the first pediatrician to receive the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, considered the most important research funding award in Germany. He also received several international awards.

Prof. Dr. jur. Andreas Staudacher is a specialist lawyer for administrative law as well as for construction and architectural law. He is the owner of a law firm in Laupheim, Baden-Württemberg, and teaches at Biberach University.

The board of directors is advised and controlled by the board of trustees and the scientific advisory board. The members of the foundation’s board of directors, the board of trustees and the scientific advisory board work on an honorary basis.


Christoph Klein
Professor Dr. med. Dr. sci. nat. Christoph Klein


Prof. Dr. jur. Andreas Staudacher

Director & Managing Director Care-for-Rare gGmbH

Petra Thollembeek

Managing Director

Marola Seiwert
Marola Seiwert

Assistant Director & Managing Director

Milos Ilic
Milos Ilic


Beatrice Walden
Beatrice Walden


Board of trustees

Renowned representatives of public life support the Care-for-Rare Foundation.

Thomas Jaschke
Dr. Thomas Jaschke

Chair of the Board of Trustees
Gütersloh, arvato Bertelsmann

Harald zur Hausen_Trauerflor
Prof. Dr. med. Harald zur Hausen

Heidelberg, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine 2008
† 2023

Prof. Dr. theol. Josef Sayer

Former Managing Director Misereor (until 2012)

Dr. Martin C. Ney

Former ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany (India, Portugal, Cape Verde)

Prof. Bruce Beutler M.D.

Dallas, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine 2011

Prof. Dr. med. Josef Penninger

Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig,
Medical University of Vienna

hubert thaler
Hubert Thaler

Munich, CEO Werner Reichenberger Stiftung


Annette Schavan

The long-time former German Federal Minister of Education and Research has taken over the patronage of the Care-for-Rare Foundation.

Scientific advisory board

Prof. Matthew Porteus

Professor of pediatrics with a focus on oncology at Stanford Medical School, California

Prof. Porteus’ research program focuses on the development of genome editing for the treatment of children with genetic diseases and to better understand childhood leukemias.

Prof. Scott Snapper

Professor of Gastroenterology, Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School  

Professor Snapper studies the mechanisms of immunity and tolerance in the intestinal tract.


For children with rare diseases