Donate & support

Our donations account:
Care-for-Rare Foundation | Sparkasse Ulm | IBAN: DE93 6305 0000 0000 0035 33 | SWIFT-BIC: SOLADES1ULM

Please support us with your donations!

To be able to help children with rare diseases sustainably, we need the support of many people. Please help us!

You can support our work with a classic monetary donation, your donation will directly benefit our project work without deduction. In addition, there are many other ways in which you can support the foundation – and thus seriously ill children: Draw attention to the orphans of medicine, ask for donations at celebrations, organize a benefit event in favor of Care-for-Rare or consider the foundation in your estate. There is also the possibility of an endowment. Don‘t hesitate to contact us!

Help save a child’s life

Your generous donation wll support life-saving research and provide life-altering care for children suffering from rare diseases

Other ways to support us

Your donations in good hands

The Care-for-Rare Foundation is committed to adhering to the Principles of Good Foundation Practice of the Association of German Foundations.

Do you have questions about the foundation, funding guidelines or administrative aspects of foundation work? You can find answers in our FAQs. Please feel free to contact us at Thank you for your interest!

Current donation projects

You can currently donate directly to the following projects (please indicate the relevant keyword in your transfer or select the purpose of the donation in the donation form):

Please support the Care-for-Rare Foundation in general

Please support the Care-for-Rare Foundation in general

We help children with rare diseases Since its foundation, Care-for-Rare has already achieved many milestones, but we still have a ...
The Child Life Specialist Program at Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital

The Child Life Specialist Program at Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital

Child Life Specialists - for comprehensive child-centered care in the pediatric clinic When sick children have to leave the security ...
Scivias Study: New Directions in Diagnostics and Prevention

Scivias Study: New Directions in Diagnostics and Prevention

November 2020 ---Almost 900 years ago, Hildegard von Bingen coined the idea that the eye is the window to the ...
Get healthy by playing - Child Life Tech Specialists

Get healthy by playing – Child Life Tech Specialists

September 2021 ---   When sick children are treated in a clinic, their vulnerability becomes particularly clear. Often, young patients do ...
Fighting together against pediatric cancer

Fighting together against pediatric cancer

Clara* is a happy child. She plays with her little brother in the garden, and likes soccer best of all ...
Long-Covid: Special outpatient clinic at Munich University Children's Hospitals

Long-Covid: Special outpatient clinic at Munich University Children’s Hospitals

The corona pandemic poses new challenges for the health care system and also for pediatric medicine. Currently, it is also ...
Extension of the sequencing platform

Extension of the sequencing platform

Please continue to help us!Thanks to grants raised, the Care-for-Rare Foundation is covering a large portion of the laboratory and ...
Please support the funding line Alliance

Please support the funding line Alliance

Network excellence worldwideThe international Care-for-Rare Alliance unites physicians and scientists in many institutions and countries in their joint mission: to ...
Please support the funding line Academy

Please support the funding line Academy

Progress through knowledgeThe Care-for-Rare Academy Program aims to help young doctors and scientists acquire skills in the interdisciplinary care of ...
Please support the funding line Awareness

Please support the funding line Awareness

More awareness for the orphans of medicineWith the funding line Awareness, the Foundation wants to raise wider public awareness of ...
Please support the funding line Aid

Please support the funding line Aid

Global help for children with rare diseases In individual cases Care-for-Rare Aid helps young patients facing acute emergencies with financial ...
Please support the funding line Awards

Please support the funding line Awards

Awarded commitmentThe Care-for-Rare Foundation annually awards two prices on rare diseases in children: the Care-for-Rare Science Award and the Dr ...

For children with rare diseases