Care-for-Rare in the media

As part of the Care-for-Rare Awareness Initiative, we regularly work with representatives of the regional and national press in order to achieve the greatest possible reach for our educational work on rare diseases. Here you will find an excerpt from our press review with selected media articles. We also regularly send out press releases on current events at the foundation and on individual projects.

Impact Assessment
14.02.2023 --- Excerpt from the feedback of our award winners and scholarship recipients Care for Rare Science Award „Ich habe ...

4. International Klaus Betke Symposium
March 2023 --- As part of an international event series, the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) ...
PRESS REVIEW (in German)
Waisen der Medizin – Wenn Kinder schwer erkranken
BR24 Podcast, 11.04.2023
Rare Disease Day: Seltene Erkrankungen – (k)eine Seltenheit?
BR24, 01.03.2023
Die Lage in den Kinderkliniken ist katastrophal
tz, 30.11.2022
- Spalte bearbeiten
Here you will find various digital media, information materials and advertising motifs of the Care-for-Rare Foundation.