Care-for-Rare Academy

Progress through knowledge
The Care-for-Rare Academy program supports physicians and scientists worldwide in expanding their knowledge of rare diseases. The foundation awards congress fellowships and enables talented young scientists to spend research periods in renowned centers of excellence. One focus is on promoting translational research, which combines basic research and clinical practice. In addition, the Care-for-Rare Academy promotes translational research at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.
Read more about our current Academy projects:

Amira’s story
For children with severe bowel diseasesAmira holds a PhD in molecular biology and has won several science awards in Algeria ...

Scholarships for PhD program on personalized medicine
Since fall 2020, the Care-for-Rare Foundation has been awarding scholarships for participation in the international and interdisciplinary PhD program "Genomic ...

Advancing clinician-scientists in pediatrics
Research-based physicians play a key role in improving our understanding of diseases and developing innovative diagnostic and treatment concepts. However, ...

Ehsan’s story
Scolar discovers rare gene mutationThe biologist from Iran came to Care-for-Rare as a doctoral student with a current case: a ...