
Care-for-Rare Foundation für Kinder mit seltenen ErkrankungenSince fall 2020, the Care-for-Rare Foundation has been awarding scholarships for participation in the international and interdisciplinary PhD program “Genomic and Molecular Medicine – Personalized Approaches to Childhood Health”. The program, which is unique in Germany, at the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital (LMU Munich) and the Munich Medical Research School, is primarily aimed at residents in training to become specialists in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, but also at candidates from other disciplines (medicine, natural sciences, life sciences). In order to offer highly qualified young scientists and physicians from Germany and abroad the opportunity to participate, regardless of their financial and social background, the Care-for-Rare Foundation awards 2-3 scholarships every winter semester.

Donation account
IBAN: DE93 6305 0000 0000 0035 33 I SWIFT-BIC: SOLADES1ULM (Sparkasse Ulm)
Donation purpose: „Funding line Academy“