Following the discovery of the first patients with a defect in the interleukin-10 receptor, the Care-for-Rare Foundation has started to help children with severe inflammatory bowel disease worldwide. Together with renowned doctors and scientists in the USA, Canada, Great Britain and Austria, the foundation offers a platform for clarifying the development of the disease and developing new treatment methods. The aim of the initiative is to clarify all underlying genetic defects and to use this knowledge as a basis for researching and applying urgently needed therapeutic procedures.
This ambitious project with a global reach has been financially supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust New York, among others, since 2013. The coordinating centers of the Care-for-Rare IBD Alliance are Munich (Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, LMU Munich), Toronto (Hospital for Sick Children) and Boston (Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School). The universities of Stanford/Palo Alto, Yale/New Haven, Los Angeles USA, Oxford/UK, Vienna, Jerusalem/Israel, Utrecht/Netherlands are also involved in the network.