Dr. Holger Müller Preis: award winners

Dr. Christine Wolf, Preisträgerin des Dr. Holger Müller Preises 2023 (Bild Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden)
2023: Dr. Christine Wolf

„UNC93B1 variants underlie TLR7-dependent autoimmunity“

Dr. Lena-Luise Becker,  Gewinnerin des Dr. Holger Müller Preises 2022
2022: Dr. Lena-Luise Becker

„Interferon receptor dysfunction in a child with malignant atrophic papulosis and CNS involvement“

2021: Felix Schmitt-Hoffner

"FOXR2 Stabilizes MYCN Protein and Identifies Non–MYCNAmplified Neuroblastoma Patients With Unfavorable Outcome"

2020: Dr. phil. nat. Dasha Nelidova

"Restoring light sensitivity using tunable near-infrared sensors"

2019: Dr. Sander Lambo

"The Molecular Landscape of Embryonal Tumors with Multilayered Rosettes at Diagnosis and Relapse"

2018: Dr. Robert Fledrich & Dr. Ruth Martha Stassart

"Targeting myelin lipid metabolism as a potential therapeutic strategy in a model of CMT1A neuropathy"

2017: Prof. Dr. Carsten Bergmann

"Mutations in DZIP1L, which encodes a ciliary-transition-zone protein, cause autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

2016: Dr. Peter Kühnen

"Proopiomelanocortin Deficiency Treated with a Melanocortin-4 Receptor Agonist"

2015: Dr. Nina Bögershausen & Dr. I-Chun Tsai

"RAP1-mediated MEK/ERK pathway defects in Kabuki syndrome"

2014: Dr. Theresa Schumacher & Lukas Bunse

"A vaccine targeting mutant IDH1 induces antitumour immunity"

2013: Dr. Natalia Zietara & Dr. Daniel Kotlarz

"Loss-of-function mutations in the IL-21 receptor gene cause a primary immunodeficiency syndrome"​

frank kaiser
2012: Dr. Frank Kaiser

"RAD21 Mutations Cause a Human Cohesinopathy"

2011: Dr. Karl Peter Schlingmann

"Mutations in CYP24A1 and idiopathic Infantile Hypercalcemia"